Borgo Rigolizia Vacanze you will find all the services you might need for a perfect stay, such as: a lounge area with its fantastic six places Jacuzzi, sauna and Turkish bath, Solarium, Reading room, breakfast room, Mountain bikes for excursions in the surrounding area.
Another service we would like to recommend you, which is offered by the Sicilian Region, not personally by us, is the Baroque train (Treno Barocco). It will go from Syracuse to Ragusa, about 112 km, all Sundays from the 14th of June to the 27th of September. The ticket’s cost is of 25 euros for adults and 10 euro for kids between 4 and 12 years old. For all the others it is not requested any payment. For every trip, there is a maximum of 156 places available.
Arrival time.............................10,20...........15,55..................20,15
Departure time......9,25............14,20...........18,20
Arrival time..............................12,05..........16,55.................20,15
Departure time.....9,25..............16,00..........18,30